Silver Age on Kickstarter Now!

Silver Age: A Mark of the Odd Game of Werewolves from R. Rook Studio

Thank you for picking up the Silver Age Quickstart! Yesterday, I launched  Silver Age on Kickstarter. It funded in the first three hours and has already hit two stretch goals!

You already know this is a Liminal Horror-inspired Mark of the Odd Game of small-town Werewolves, but it's also my love letter to Jack Williamson's Darker than You Think, T.J. Klune's Wolfsong, Phillip Wessel's "Pack of Strays," and too many late nights spent playing Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Playtests & Playtesting

You already have the quickstart, but you (yes, You!) can also sign up for a one-shot playtest.

Join the Campaign

Please consider backing Silver Age. There's a hardship tier if you're interested while funds are tight and options for some higher-end add-ons like art cards (or copies of some of my other games). 

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