Text Update!

As I was finalizing everything for the print run, I made a few changes/clarifications to the text and had a few ideas for layout improvements. I've also gone through and completed a PDF remediation for navigability and accessibility, including ensuring that all non-decorative graphics have alt text. I've also updated the inspirations list. I'd planned the inspirations list while outlining and plattesting/storming, but encountered both When Evil Lurks and The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter while I was struggling to turn thoughts into text, and both had a big effect on me and (I hope) the work.

I'm heading to Pax Unplugged on Thursday (I live nearby, so it's not a big trip). Before Pax, I'll write a little bit more about this scenario and the decisions I made in creating it. Enjoy!


A Merry Little Christmas 925 kB
4 days ago
Five Districts of Le Moyne, Mississippi 1.9 MB
4 days ago
Map of Beverly's Bar (Dai Shugars) 106 kB
4 days ago

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